ZEBULAND.APP ------------ Hello! For registration send the following form plus 10 pounds (20 USD, 100 Czech crowns or equal) to one of the adreses at the end of this document. We'll use fastest method to send the keycode to you. AND MORE !!! If you'll want to get the JAY BONUS Disk with the keycode. (there are some freeware and PD from US, which is available on several BBS in Czech republic). The mail pay You ;-}. Registering will be completed to the name what you'll send. The form: ! NAME: __________________________ (min 5 - max 29 letters) - write carefully !! ! ADREESS: __________________________ PHONE/FAX: __________________________ FIDONET: __________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________ WWW: __________________________ I WANT BONUS DISK: HD DD by E-MAIL none WHAT YOU PREFFER : Programming Basic (what type) Pascal C ASSembler Playing Games Logical Other DTP There are some information, which aren't needed for register, but every contacts with ATARI user may be usefull. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahoj! Pro registraci pros¡m za¨li formul © plus 100 Korun €esk˜ch (20 USD, 10 liber nebo ekvivalentn¡ sumu) na jednu z adres na konci tohoto dokumentu. Pou‘ijeme tu nejrychlej¨¡ cestu jak ti zaslat kl¡‡. POZOR !!! Jestli bude¨ cht¡t, dostanete s kl¡‡em tak‚ JAY BONUS Disk. (tam najde¨ nˆjak˜ freeware a PD od n s, kter˜ je p©¡stun˜ na nˆkter˜ch BBS stanic¡ch v €esk‚ republice) Po¨tu plat¡¨ Ty ;-}. Registraci provedeme na jm‚no, kter‚ po¨le¨. Vzor formul ©e: ! JMNO: __________________________ (min 5 - max 29 p¡smen) - pi¨ pe‡livˆ !! ! ADRESA: __________________________ TEL./FAX: __________________________ FIDONET: __________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________ WWW: __________________________ CHCI BONUS DISK: HD DD E-MAILem nechci CO M› NEJRAD‰JI : Programov n¡ Basic (jak˜ typ) Pascal C ASSembler Hran¡ her Logick˜ch Jin˜ch DTP Nˆkter‚ informace ve formul ©i nejsou nutn‚ pro registraci, ale v¨echny kontakty s u‘ivateli ATARI mohou b˜t u‘ite‡n‚. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J A Y Software Jan Krupka or Stanislav Opichal Trnkova 26 Za Vodojemem 8 Olomouc Olomouc 779 00 779 00 Czech Republic Czech Republic tel.: 068/5419108 e-mail: krupkaj@risc.upol.cz opichals@risc.upol.cz www: html://www.inf.upol.cz/~krupkaj/jay